Friday, September 13, 2024

Long time gone!

 Recently, someone reminded me that I used to publish a blog now and then!  Sure enough, I checked, and I did post a blog back in mid-July!  That only seems like a century or two ago now.

Since the weather has cooled off substantially in the last week, and I find myself at home, with light rain falling, I guess there is no excuse now to delay further?  So, I think this is the latest, and longest blog post I've ever done.  Kick back and have a look!

Apparently, I was making a rare visit to my home base in Alberta when the last post came online back in July?

I managed to fit in both a doctor's appointment and a visit to the dentist during this time.  Weather was nice and hot, and I'd have all the house windows open at night to cool it down, then close them during the day to preserve the coolness.  Fortunately, I have a very cold basement, so I can always go down there if I need to cool off.  I've even slung my hammock from the rafters down there for a cold night's sleep.  Being at home also includes time to mow the grass on my 2.5 acres of grassland (I don't call it a lawn!).


Bailey was in charge of ensuring birds took no more than their alloted quota of birdseed!

While home, I wired up some solar panels to power a Bluetti power supply for a friend - with valuable assistance from Bailey, of course!

Some commuter traffic on the road ...

We took an overnight trip to Drumheller, and checked out a property for sale.  It was warm enough there that Bailey allowed multiple spritzs of water mist to stay cool.

In late July, my old home town of Jasper, Alberta was evacuated because of an approaching wildfire - that eventually destroyed about 1/3 of the town, as well as burning forest for miles and miles around .  About that time, my phone company accused me of not paying my bill, however my bank statement showed it had been paid on time!  Later photos showed that my bank branch in Jasper had burned to the ground during the fire :-(.  Although all the transactions were electronic, I wonder if there was a short outage while the bank made alternte arrangements?  A few days later, it was all fine ... with the transaction, not with Jasper :-(  

Before long the weather reports beckoned us back to lakefront free camping north of Revelstoke, BC.

After a few days there, it was time for a change of scenery, so we headed south from Revelstoke, across the ferry on Arrow Lakes, down through Nakusp, to a place on the shoreline near Burton.

From there, we backtracked a bit, then headed eastward towards New Denver and Silverton - where multiple wild fires were burning, and the highway was closed south of Silverton as a result.

After an overnight visit with an old friend and roommate in the Nelson area, we headed across the ferry from Balfour to Crawford Bay across Kootenay Lake, which is the longest free ferry in the world! Then, down towards Creston for a couple of nights.  The first was spent along a dike in a wildlife conservation area, with lots of waterfowl.

While visiting with a college classmate in Creston, I took the opportunity to tour the brewery where my favourite Canadian beer, Kokanee is produced.

From there, we headed back home to hide out for the long weekend!

Don & Donna had the same idea, so they arrived with their 5th wheel to camp in my yard for the long weekend.

We did a few day trips while they were here, including some lakes nearby, Red Deer, and the Ya Ha Tinda ranch.  
Some of the government horse on the range there, likely including the ones evacuated from the Jasper fire.
After their departure, I got busy with some overdue work to get my 5th wheel ready for winter migration.  I changed the connectors on the solar panels, to allow more flexibility, tested the fridge, cleaned the roof and sealed around all the vents and skylight.

After all that hard work, it was definitely time to take a break and go camping again ;-). We headed northwest again, and paid a brief visit to my old fire camp, before continuing on to Abraham Lake, where Don & Donna were now camped with some of their friends.

Bailey immediately launched himself off a 4ft bank, with only 2ft of remaining leash!  Oops!

Met this guy who camped nearby on his cycle trip around the world.  Apparently he's already gone across Europe and Asia, New Zealand, and now he's on the way across Canada. His little trailer is covered with solar panels.  I didn't ask him the story about the bra hanging on the flag on the rear corner of the trailer!

From there is was back home for a short spell of only a day or two, before heading off to Saskatchewan!

We spent a great week in Prince Albert National Park, with a convenient free camp spot just outside the park.

 Bailey celebrated his first birthday on this trip, and is now enjoying his first bag of adult cat food!
Bailey checking out the local Red Fox.

Spent some time biking and beaching in the area.

Checking for mice, or road-kill birds behind the front bumper.  Lots of bugs in Saskatchewan!
After the park, our next overnight stop was at the Forks of the Saskatchewan river, east of Prince Albert.  Here, the muddy north Saskatchewan meets the clear South Saskatchewan river.  I canoed past here on a high school trip - just a few years ago!

After a night on the road near Wainwright Alberta, we made a lightning visit home - for a total of about 18 hours to do laundry, mow the grass, and head right back to BC!  This time, we would hide in plain sight for another Labour day long weekend.

Beavers hard at work building a food cache for the winter!

And, finally, after the long weekend, we took the ferry south again, but this time to one of our favourite fall camp spots on beautiful Trout Lake.
Sometimes, there seemed to be 'Catastrophic' problems with the Starlink signals ;-)


Who knows?  This may be my last blog post till Bailey and I start heading south for the winter!  See you down the road.


  1. I can't even begin to tell you how lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place. So very sorry to hear about Jasper. I was keeping a close watch on the entire area since one of my friends was up there traveling alone. So many bad accidents this year too. Glad to see Bailey is keeping you safe!

    1. Thanks! Check back again, as i have fixed two videos that would not play earlier!

    2. Beaver ... how cool was THAT!!

  2. Anonymous8:21 am

    Great pictures from your travels and Bailey is such a good partner in your life.

    1. He's a good little buddy for sure.

  3. Anonymous10:25 am

    Made my day to catch up on your and Baileys travels. He is really growing.
    Thanks, Dale in Texas

  4. Anonymous11:32 am

    Great blog Ivan! It was great to see you and meet Bailey when you made your trip to Creston!

  5. Anonymous2:53 pm

    Glad to see an update! Great to hear where your adventures have taken you. Some great photos of some beautiful places, that's for sure! Bailey is the luckiest cat in the world. Safe travels! Ernie and Debbie

  6. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Thank goodness you finally blogged there is almost zero new tv! The biker with the trailer that is super cool. Glad Bailey survived cliff jumping he has 8 lives left!?Dianne

  7. OK! Zipping right along. Glad all is good enough and Bailey is managing life rather well (to put it mildly).
