After Covid kept us restrained from traveling to the sunny south last winter, it is no exaggeration to say that we are more than keen to get moving again, and as soon as possible!
In a mere
- 1,209,600 seconds
- 20,160 minutes
- 336 hours
we should be able to cross the border again on our southward migration! Sure was not looking forward to the long, long dark cold months of winter, flooding my rink again, and getting out the dreaded snow scoop. Only the hot tub made the last winter survivable, as even (downhill) skiing and organized hockey was largely absent, or severely constrained.
With cooler weather upon us, and the promise of warmer things just around the corner, there was little desire to use the summer (truck) camper any more.
Her rather well-fed looking fox friend came by to say goodbye...
Fall colours were doing their thing as usual.
A flying squirrel paid a visit to the front deck one evening.
Fridge and furnace were tested, and still working fine, and my secret weapon, the stand-alone propane heater was moved over from the truck camper. The tires were getting in poor shape when we returned home in the spring of Covid, and the rig has been sitting unmoved ever since, so it's time for some brand new rubber before we head out. One less thing to cause trouble along the way.
Looking forward to being able to finally get some use from my unlimited data AT&T account, that I have been paying for and hardly using for the last year and a half. A few times, when traveling or camping near the border I've been able to use it a little, but having it virtually full time again will be a welcome change.