The weather forecast said the next few days in Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan was good. Of course that meant that pretty much all of the day's drive was rain, rain, and more rain! But the farm fields sure needed all they could get - as well as the forest fire situation.
As usual, the back road into the park was the road taken.

Soon, the 'on duty' black bear showed up roadside as a greeting party!

On the road to the Narrows, another of the Park's ambassadors showed up to see if there were any food scraps around. There weren't.

Hoped to take advantage of my cat-free days :-( and do some overnight hiking for a change, so headed up to Kingsmere lake.
The forecast looked good, so I hoped to make it up to Grey Owl's cabin on Lake Ajawaan, with a very early start. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the trail office won't let you book a back country site for 'tomorrow nite', only 'tonight', so anyway, that resulted in a late start up the trail.

Made it as far as Sandy Beach campground, and set up the hammock right on the shore - for the breeze, to keep the mosquitoes at bay!

The weather forecast turned out to be completely wrong however, and the next day produced a lovely thunderstorm, rain, and strong winds, so it was wise to just rest up for the day and see what happened.

After the hike, most of the time was spent biking around the townsite of Waskesiu, and spending time along the Narrows road.
Back at home, my mosquito control squadron was hard at work! Very few mosquitoes here - maybe they are the reason ;-)
Back to BC, in the next installment!